
The deadline to submit abstracts has been extended until April 10, 23:59 CET. We strongly encourage you to present your work in the field as a poster. Several bursaries of 200 € for registration, travel and accomodation are available for PhD students who submit an abstract. Check out the 'Bursaries' section below for more information.

Abstracts must be sent as a pdf document with the following requirements:

  • The whole document must be justified.

  • Tittle: Arial 22, bold. Tittle must be in lowercase letters.

  • Authors: Arial 14, bold. First name initial and surname. In communications with two or more authors, these will be separated by commas. Each name must be followed by one or more superscripts corresponding to their institutional affiliation(s). Example: J. Smith1,2

  • Affiliations: Arial 12, bold. Each institutional affiliation must be in a separate line and described as follows: department, institution, city (country). Each institution will appear preceded by the superscript number that associates it with the author. Example:

    • 1Lung Cancer & Respiratory Diseases Unit, CIBIR-Fundación Rioja Salud, Logroño (Spain)

    • 2Servicio de Neumología, Hospital San Pedro-Fundación Rioja Salud, Logroño (Spain)

  • Main text (max. 1800 characters): Arial 12.

  • The abstract PDF file must be saved as follows: SSII2022abstract_Name_Surname

Abstracts must be sent to: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.. The file name must be indicated in the subject line of the email


Vertical orientation. Dimensions: Up to 120 x 90 cm


A limited number of bursaries provided by the SEBBM (Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular) and CIBERES (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red, Enfermedades Respiratorias) are available, which provide recipients with 200 € for registration, travel and accommodation. To opt for a bursary SEBBM membership or CIBERES affiliation is required. Potential applicants must submit an abstract in order to be considered for a bursary. Selection from the pool of applicants will be made by the organizing committee based on the submitted abstract.